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School Safety

Stay connected, stay informed. Applied Information developed the Glance Connected School Beacon System to provide schools and their communities a way to make surrounding roads and school transportation routes even safer. Once installed, the School Beacon System delivers the two major benefits of safer roads and improved remote scheduling maintenance capabilities to the schools and communities they serve. These benefits save time and money while making the roads safer for all users. Download the media kit for more information about any of the solutions within the suite of School Safety Products. 


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Technology has the potential to help prevent some of the more than 25,000 injuries and 100 fatalities that occur in school zones and at school bus stops in the U.S. annually. With that knowledge , Audi of America and partners Applied Information, Blue Bird, Fulton Co. School System, City of Alpharetta, and Temple, Inc., completed a cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) initial deployment to refine the technology for communities to adopt and begin to lay the groundwork for integration into future production vehicles.

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