Category: Press Releases

Audi, Applied Information and partners demonstrate potential to help improve school bus and school zone safety through C-V2X deployment

Technology has the potential to help prevent some of the more than 25,000 injuries and 100 fatalities that occur in school zones and at school bus stops in the U.S. annually. With that knowledge , Audi of America and partners Applied Information, Blue Bird, Fulton Co. School System, City of Alpharetta, and Temple, Inc., completed a cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) initial deployment to refine the technology for communities to adopt and begin to lay the groundwork for integration into future production vehicles.

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Applied Information Selected by Evansville, IN to Provide Connected Vehicle Technology for Emergency Vehicle Traffic Signal Preemption

Connected vehicle technology from Applied Information had been selected by the City of Evansville, IN, to give emergency vehicles preemptive green lights at traffic signals – reducing response times and improving safety at intersections. Traffic Control Corporation of Woodridge, IL, is Applied Information’s partner on the project that includes installing the technology at 230 traffic signals and on 40 emergency vehicles.

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Applied Information Helps Bring C-V2X Connected Vehicle Technology to Improve Road Safety and Traffic Efficiency to Hawaii

Applied Information, Inc. announced today plans to bring Cellular Vehicle to Everything (C-V2X) technology to Hawaii.  C-VX technology will be integrated into 34 traffic signals along the Nimitz Corridor in Honolulu as a part of the V2X aspect of the program, and Applied Information will exclusively implement C-V2X technologies developed by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., while working with the Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) and the University of Hawaii College of Engineering to extend the deployment of connected vehicle infrastructure across the entire state of Hawaii with C-V2X.

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