Applied Information Blog

Are the Roads Safe for School Busses?

The school district in Winston Salem is using MARWIS/Glance to see if the roads are safe for the school busses. Check out the article written by WS Journal

Below are a couple of Screenshots from the Glance Central system showing that these roads are ice/snow, and not safe for busses at the moment.

Glance Winston Salem Road Condition


This shows a zoomed in view of one of the vehicles showing the road condition is not safe for schools as there is ice and snow on the roadway. 

Below is the color codes for the trails drawn on the map.

Road Condition legend

The MARWIS/Glance system can also show the roadway temperature, ice percentage, water film height, friction/grip level of the roadway and dew point temperature. All these conditions can be drawn on the Glance map to provide an overview to help school districts determine if the roadways are safe for school. This is how school districts can determine ” are the roads safe for school busses? ” today

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