Applied Information Blog

A smarter solar monitoring system for school beacons and other applications…

The Glance Smart City Supervisory platform allows effective monitoring of solar powered school beacons and other application. How is this done??

It is not enough to monitor the battery voltage of solar systems, and send alarms and alerts when the battery gets low. This only tells some of the story. Glance uses several  additional feaures to be able to tell the whole story:

  • Intelligent map icons: Different color icons show different levels of failure in the field.
  • Monitoring of solar panels: Glance monitors the voltage of the solar panels, as well as the voltage of the system battery. This means you can tell if the solar panel is working properly, or if it needs cleaning (or has failed or been stolen!)
  • Graphing of all parameters: Thebattery and solar panel graphs trend behaviour over the past week. This meakes it easy to tell if the voltage is low because of a cloudy day, or if there is somethimg more serious amiss.
  • Additional battery back up: Even on solar systems, the AI time clock still keeps its internal battery charged. This allows glance to report in a complete failure of the solar battery system (or a battery stolen) and generate an appropriate alarm.
Glance Map showing school beacons

School beacons on the Glance map, showing trouble “at a Glance” along with real time traffic data – new in Glance!

Glance School Beacon Solar Battery Voltage, showing the daily fluctuations and the trend over the week. This system is healthy as the battery voltage remains within the “healthy grey band”

The Glance graph of a system battery, showing the daily fluctuations and the trend over the week. This system is healthy as the battery voltage remains within the “healthy grey band”

Glance School Beacon Solar Array Voltage

The solar array voltage tells whether there is spare solar capacity to keep the batteries fully charged

Read more about how to use Glance to ensure a smarter solar monitoring system for school beacons Click White Paper Monitoring Solar School Beacons

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