The world’s first dedicated V2I laboratory opens in Georgia, USA, to accelerate development in the connected and autonomous vehicle market…..
Applied Information has launched a configurable Internet of Things (IoT) pedestrian crossing system which it says improves safety at mid-block crosswalks.
The USA’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has granted Applied Information two additional experimental licences for testing cellular vehicle to everything (C-V2X) connected vehicle applications. The licenses were granted for operations in Arlington, TX and Honolulu, HI.
Applied Information’s system uses a combination of technologies to create an active safety zone that encourages pedestrians and drivers to be more alert.
As a member of the Georgia TIME Task Force, Sandy Springs is committed to arriving quickly to highway incidents so first responders can implement proper traffic incident management. This protects personnel on the scene and minimizes the time traffic flow is interrupted. Click the link and scroll down to read the story…
Serious accidents on roads in Georgia are likely to rise if the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) does not preserve the 5.9GHz safety spectrum solely for connected vehicle safety, say a coalition of 30 business and government leaders….