Press Releases

FCC Grants Applied Information Nationwide License for Connected Vehicle DSRC Radio Operation

Applied Information providing roadway operators with all options for CV communications

WASHINGTON (June 3, 2020) – The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has granted Applied Information, Inc. a nationwide Intelligent Transportation Service (ITS) license in the 5.9 GHz spectrum band that authorizes the Company to provide Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) for the infrastructure and in vehicles.

The nationwide DSRC license enables the company to provide vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) connected vehicle communications for the transportation infrastructure, including traffic signals, school zone safety beacons and other electronic traffic control and information devices. Applied Information has deployments of DSRC radios in several states.

The Company was previously granted three geographic licenses to operate Cellular-Vehicle to Everything (C-V2X Direct) by the FCC. Applied Information’s Dual-Mode/Dual-Active technology enables both DSRC and C-V2X Direct radios to communicate simultaneously.

“Our approach is to remove the uncertainty surrounding the ‘radio wars’ for connected vehicle technology thereby providing roadway operators with the confidence to deploy today,” said Bryan Mulligan, Applied Information President. “Infrastructure deployment of connected vehicle technology provides Day One encounters for equipped vehicles when they roll off the sales lot enhancing safety at intersection and school zones to name just a few.”

Applied Information has developed a Dual-Mode/Dual-Active Roadside Unit and Dual-Mode/Dual-Active Onboard Unit for mobile infrastructure such as emergency vehicles for traffic signal preemption, transit buses for traffic signal priority and vehicles involved in roadside work zones.

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