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Marietta has become an example of how cities can future-proof their infrastructure while improving things for today’s residents.

Marietta is the first city in the nation to implement such a traffic management system, which it has been testing with first responders for more than a year. Marietta City Manager Bill Bruton says the results thus far are impressive…

U.S. Rep. Rob Woodall, R-Ga., visited Discovery High School on Friday morning for a presentation on the Internet of Things technology developed in Georgia to keep schoolchildren safer during arrival and dismissal times.

Gwinnett County and the state of Georgia have pioneered large-scale deployment of the technology for “smart” school beacons. The technology connects school zone beacons — those flashing signs that are intended to slow drivers down as they pass by a school………

Smart phones and moving vehicles aren’t always considered a great combination. But if your smart phone is helping you be a safer driver, that’s a combination worth exploring.

Mansfield drivers are just one app away from turning their smart phone into a great driving partner. The city is putting its current traffic management for school zones to another use by utilizing a connected vehicle solution by Atlanta-based Applied Information…….

The end of summer is approaching and children heading back to school. So, it’s more important than ever to think about driving safely around school zones. Just in time for the new school year, Applied Information and AT&T will help make school zones safer and more reliable for school children across Georgia with smart Internet of Things (IoT) beacon technology…..

Savannah, Ga. (WTGS FOX 28) — With kids going back to school, that means drivers need to start paying more attention to school zones in the morning and afternoon.

The city has taken steps to ensure the kids stay safe with its new safety beacon technology, just in time for school

“We probably got less calls on the first day of school than we ever have,” said Steve Henry, City of Savannah traffic engineer……

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