Release Notes

Glance v2.0 – v2.0.8

Glance 2.0 was brought to life over eight beta releases from March to September 2024. In addition to a new look and feel, Glance 2.0 introduced several advanced features.

Glance Real-Time Traffic Information (RTTI)

Glance RTTI showcases live intersection SPaT information on the Glance map as it happens. Traffic managers can understand key information at a glance, including the live cycle countdown timer, changing controller modes, and more!

Arterial View

The Glance Arterial View aims to display the real-time traffic information for each intersection in an arterial on a single page. This allows you to gauge the coordination of cycle timers and interpret controller mode configurations.

Preempt Speed Profile

The Preempt Speed Profile feature elevates Glance preemption reporting by showing advanced playback of preemption runs. Select the trip of your choice and easily see which intersections were preempted successfully while tracking the change in speed of the emergency vehicle throughout the trip.

Pro-tip: Use the Preempt Speed Profile in combination with Glance On-Demand reports for the full scope of preemption reporting.

Grid View

Easily view the latest data across all your devices in one place using Grid View. Find it under the “View” dropdown in the navigation bar and see all of the latest posts for your fleet come through in real time.

Live Beacon Flash Status on the Map

Spot whether your beacons are currently flashing directly from the Glance map. As you zoom in a dot will appear beneath each beacon. The color of the dot illustrates whether the beacon is flashing at that very moment.

If you would like to find out more about all that Glance 2.0 has to offer, check out the full-length webinar with Applied Information Executive, Peter Ashley, and the Director of Glance Business Development, Julia Masureik.